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NESI Publications

Vaccine Hesitancy Drives Low Human Papillomavirus Vaccination Coverage in Girls Attending Public Schools in South Africa

Languta A Khosa, Johanna C Meyer, Feni M M Motshwane, Carine Dochez, Rosemary J Burnett

Frontiers in Public Health 2022, 10:860809.

Human Papillomavirus Vaccine Hesitancy Highly Evident among Caregivers of Girls Attending South African Private Schools

Tracy Milondzo, Johanna C Meyer, Carine Dochez, Rosemary J Burnett

Vaccines 2022, 10, 503.

COVID‐19 vaccine‐induced immunity: Head‐to‐head comparison of mRNA (BNT162b2) versus inactivated (CoronaVac) vaccines

Benjamin M Kagina, Carine Dochez

Respirology 2022;1-2.

Strengthening pre-service training of healthcare workers on immunisation and effective vaccine management: the experience of Kenya Medical Training College 

Margaret Juma, Balcha Masresha, Adebayo Adekola, Carine Dochez

Pan African Medical Journal 2022;41:47.

Two decades of regional trends in vaccination completion and coverage among children aged 12-23months: an analysis of the Uganda Demographic Health Survey data from 1995 to 2016

Gerald Okello, Jonathan Izudi, Immaculate Ampeire, Frehd Nghania, Carine Dochez, Niel Hens

BMC Health Services Research 2022: 22:40.

Knowledge, attitude and acceptability of Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) vaccine and vaccination among university students in Indonesia

Madan Khatiwada, Cissy Kartasasmita, Henny Suzana Mediani, Christine Delprat, Guido Van Hal, Carine Dochez

Frontiers in Public Health June 2021: 616456.

Immunization program training needs in 9 countries in the African Region

Balcha Girma Masresha, Carine Dochez, Ado Bwaka, Meseret Eshetu Shibeshi, Gilson Paluku, Richard Mihigo
Pan African Medical Journal 2021;39(41).

Misinformation Drives Low Human Papillomavirus Vaccination Coverage in South African Girls Attending Private Schools

Tracy Milondzo, Johanna C. Meyer, Carine Dochez, Rosemary J. Burnett

Frontiers in Public Health February 2021; 9.

The World Health Organization African regional training course for mid-level immunization managers-lessons and future directions

Balcha Masresha, Carine Dochez, Alice Bumgarner, Nathan Pienkowski, Richard Mihigo

Pan African Medical Journal 2020;37(194).

Advanced vaccinology education: Landscaping its growth and global footprint

Edwin J. Asturias, Philippe Duclos, Noni E. MacDonald, Hanna Nohynek, Paul-Henri Lambert, the Global Vaccinology Training Collaborative

Vaccine 2020; 38 (30): 4664-4670.

Strengthening immunisation services in East Africa through training:
Lessons from the ECAVI Vaccinology Course for healthcare workers highlight the importance of continuous professional development footprint

Oliver Ombeva Malande, Rachel Nakatugga Afaayo, Carine Dochez, Johanna Catharina Meyer, Andrew Munyalo Musyoki, Rosemary Joyce Burnett

Africa Health, January 2020.
Malande et al. Africa Health-January-2020.pdf
90 KB

    Strengthening national teams of experts to support HPV vaccine introduction in Eastern Mediterranean countries: Lessons learnt and recommendations from an international workshop

    Carine Dochez, Salah Al Awaidy, Ezzeddine Mohsni, Kamal Fahmy, Mohammed Bouskraoui
    Vaccine 2020; 38 (5): 1114-1119.

    Global vaccinology training: Report from an ADVAC workshop

    Philippe Duclos, Lindsay Martinez, Noni MacDonald, Edwin Asturias, Hanna Nohynek, Paul-Henri Lambert, on behalf of all participants of the Global Vaccinology Training Workshop
    Vaccine 2019; 37 (22): 2871-2881.

    Progress towards obtaining valid vaccination coverage data in South Africa

    Burnett RJ, Dlamini NR, Meyer JC, Fernandes L, Motloung BR, Ndlovu TH, et al.
    South African Journal of Science 2019;115(5/6)

    Impact of vaccine stock-outs on infant vaccination coverage: a hospital-based survey from South Africa

    Rosemary J Burnett, Gloria Mmoledi, Ntombenhle J Ngcobo, Carine Dochez, L Mapaseka Seheri, M Jeffrey Mphahlele
    International Health 2018, ihy036

    Introduction of a new Vaccine into National Immunisation Programmes in Africa: The role of Capacity Building

    Dochez C, Burnett RJ, Mphahlele MJ.
    BMJ Global Health 2017;2(Suppl 2):A53
    Abstract Role of capacity building in new vaccine introduction BMJ Global Health 2017
    47 KB

      High prevalence of active and occult hepatitis B virus infections in healthcare workers from two provinces of South Africa

      Sondlane TH, Mawela L, Razwiedani LL, Selabe SG, Lebelo RL, Rakgole JN, Mphahlele JM, Dochez C, De Schrijver A, Burnett RJ.
      Vaccine 2016; 34(33): 3835-3839.

      Evaluation of a Training DVD on Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine for Kenyan EPI Health Care Workers

      Stokx J, Dochez C, Ochieng P, Bahl J and Were F.
      Education for Health 2016; 29: 35-41.
      Evaluation of a Training DVD
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        Enhancing capacity of professionals and academics for vaccines and immunization in Africa: The 3rd Regional Vaccinology Course for Francophone Countries, Mbour, Senegal, 12th – 19th September 2015

        Anya B, Mihigo R, Wiysonge CS, Dochez C, Akanmori BD.
        Annals of Vaccines and Immunization 2015; 2(1): 1011.
        Enhancing capacity of professionals and academics
        863 KB

          HPV vaccines for the prevention of cervical cancer and genital warts: an update

          Dochez C, Bogers J-P, Verhelst R and Rees H.
          Vaccine 2014; 32: 1595-1601.
          Vaccine, Volume 30, Supplement 3, 7 September 2012
          8 MB
            Vaccines and Their Use in The Adolescent and Adult Population
            64 KB
              HPV vaccines and prevention of cervical cancer BJMO 2009
              323 KB
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                  Last updated: Jun 10, 2022
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